research / CV

You can find my curriculum vitae here.

Research Publications
Clarkston, B.E. and G.W. Saunders 2012. An examination of the red algal genus Pugetia (Kallymeniaceae, Gigartinales) with descriptions of Salishia firma gen. et comb. nov., Pugetia cryptica sp. nov., and Beringia wynnei sp. nov. Phycologia 51: 33-61 pdf

Clarkston, B.E. and G.W. Saunders 2010. A comparison of two DNA barcode markers for species discrimination in the red algal family Kallymeniaceae (Gigartinales, Florideophyceae), with a description of Euthora timburtonii sp.nov.. Botany 119−131 pdf